Welcome to Student Success Modules!

What are the Student Success Modules?

academic success

critical learning

decision making

success overall

goal setting

effective communication


memory skills

note taking

time management

information literacy

financial literacy

financial planning

career planning

Success in Education Can Continue Long After Graduation

When you start looking at students that want to pursue post-secondary education, you start thinking about the skills that they need to be successful, not only in the classroom but as they navigate that period while they're going through post-secondary education.

Listen to one of the Co-Founders of Lifestyle Learning talk about Student Success Modules

Ask yourself questions like...

Do you know how to manage your time?
Do you know how to make good decisions?
Do you know anything about searching for information on the internet if you need to validate sources?
We did not see any engaging online student success curriculum for the post-secondary education market.

My busines partner, Dr. Anthony DePass and I developed the Student Success Modules we believe would be crucial to academic and post-graduation success.

What makes Student Success Modules so appealing to students?

Student Success Modules are a series of interactive exercises that explore topics that are designed to enhance student life and academic survival skills.

These interactive modules employ in-course activities and assignments, as well as journaling, social media exercises, and engaging videos.

The modules can be used independently in a self-directing fashion, as mechanisms for content delivery for later discussion on a flipped classroom type pedagogic design, or as tools for presentation of content by the instructor.

We make use of digital images, pictures, graphical art, podcasts and standard videos to connect with the students and really convey our the learning.

We have activities that are social media types of activities that are very engaging and are built specifically to keep the attention of today's short attention span students.

To help keep our modules as engaging as possible, we've made it so that you don't have to do all of the modules at once. You can choose the order, choose how long you plan to focus on each lesson and curate your learning path to fit your lifestyle.

Meet the creators of the Student Success Modules

Dr. Anthony DePass and Paris Gamble

Dr. Anthony DePass

DePass is a Professor of Biology at Long Island University-Brooklyn and the Principal of DePass Academic Consulting that provides services to several universities in program evaluation, strategic planning, grantsmanship training, grant writing, and professional development. Dr. DePass has had over 20 years of experience in the administration and evaluation of programs that target diversity and inclusion in STEM.

Paris Gamble

Paris is an accomplished Senior-Level IT Project Manager. He is a strong advocate for career and college readiness and STEM careers. He was the driving force in the early years of the Lifestyle Learning™ Career Readiness Application, now called Career Navideer.


Lifestyle Learning is an innovative education company that creates products to optimize student success and provide informed career exploration for determination and transition.